At the top of the screen, tap + New and then tap Payment in the menu.
Any donations or payments you receive from people can be recorded. They can be made online or in-person and can be refunded if needed.
In this example, a cash donation of $50 is being recorded for John Smith. The donation is being tagged with Building Fund. Tags are often used to specify the Fund and are handy if you need to later export all payments with that tag.
If a new payment is for a new person, you can enter their details. If an existing person is donating, you can search for them by name or the last 4-5 digits of their phone number.
Tip: If a payment service has been configured, the Credit payment method is available. Australian churches may also have a Direct debit option. The payment service will process the payment when you tap Save.
Tip: If you have configured multiple payment services and are entering a credit card payment, you can select which payment service should process the payment.
Tip: Press Ctrl + Shift + A to start a new payment. If you are adding multiple payments, then the payment form will remember many of the options you had selected from the previous payment. This is by design to help you enter multiple payments faster. For example, you could add all Tithe donations, then Building fund donations.