Would you like to send a form to people via email or SMS so that responses are recorded directly in UCare? Do you need to add forms to your website or church app, or do you simply want a QR code that your families can use to fill out a form response quickly?
Make your form shareable
First, you will need to change your form visibility so it’s not hidden; this will enable the share button at the top right. “Accessible via a share URL” is the minimum visibility level you can select to share the form.
Share the form
Once you have made the form shareable, tap the Share button at the top right of the page. The share option on a mobile device may be under the ... menu.
You can now copy the Share Link, download the QR code or copy the Web embed code.
Note: If you send a form Share Link via email or SMS, the recipient’s info will auto-populate the form.
Print the QR code
Click “Download QR code image” and then print the image. You may also want to laminate the QR code before placing it so people can scan it and complete the form.
Web & App
You can add the Web & App code to your website or app; this way, form responses will be sent to UCare without taking people away from your website or app.
The JavaScript version is slightly more sophisticated, automatically adjusting the form’s height as needed. On the other hand, the Iframe version may display scroll bars if the form is taller than the Iframe. We recommend the JavaScript code, but some website creation tools will not allow you to use JavaScript; if so, use the Iframe version.
Note: Depending on the service you use to build your church app, you will likely need to use the Email link or JavaScript code options to embed a form in your church app.
Note: If you are embedding multiple items from UCare on the same page, then <script src="https://mychurch.ucareapp.com/Scripts/ucare.embed.js"></script> should only be included on the page once.
Forms, even when embedded, use the UCare style by default. If this style doesn’t match the colours and fonts used on your website or app, you can alter the design using a custom CSS file. You will need the help of someone with CSS skills to create a customized design.
Tip: You can upload the CSS file to a service like Dropbox. We do not hotlink the CSS file, but we download a copy every five minutes, making it easy for you to edit the CSS design. The changes will be reflected on the form within five minutes.
Here is an example prayer request form that has been added to a website. If this person’s name and contact details match those of a person you have on UCare, it will be added to their profile when they submit the form. If, on the other hand, those details don’t match, a new person will be added along with their form submission.
Share a list of forms
Tap the Share Published Forms List button at the top right of the forms page to share a published form list.
You can now copy the Share Link, download the QR code, or copy the Web embed code. These share options are the same as detailed above, except for the Display Types option, which lets you select one or more types of forms to include in the list.
Tip: Use the display type to get a list of forms related to each campus. If you have multiple campuses, you may have a different section on your website for each campus. If so, you should use your campus names to group forms for each campus, making it easy to embed the list of campus forms on each campus section of your website.
Here is an example forms list that has been added to a website. The Display Types option was left blank to display all published forms.