Learn how to use a process, processes can help to track people through several steps, some of which can be automated.
Using a process is designed to be straight forward after you have completed the tasks associated with a person simply drag the person's card to another column. This will assign them to the next person and also perform any actions related to the new step.
People that are assigned to you and are due in the next seven days will appear on your dashboard. A summary of all the due people that are assigned to you will be emailed to you each day at 8 am. If there are no due people that you won't receive this email.
When viewing a process, you can see which people are assigned just to you by selecting your name from the Assignee drop-down; if you don't see your name, then you don't have any people assigned to you.
Any person in the process can be reassigned or the due date changed by tapping on the name on the top of the card, see the following Detailed view section for more info. If you simply want to remove a person from the process, then click the ... button on the card and then "Delete."
When you click anywhere on a person's card and drag the columns will light up to show you which step (i.e., column) you are about to drop the card on. To give you more flexibility, UCare allows you to move a card to any step in the process. If you are using a mobile device with a small screen, then you will need to use the Detailed view to move a person's card to another step.
Tip: Each step shows the percentage of people that have made it to that step. You can use this information to see how effective each step of a process is and where you may want to focus your efforts to improve a process. In the example you can see that only 29% of people have become a church regular, you can then investigate why so that you can make improvements for new people.
Tip: When a person is moved to a step that has a "Complete/Remove" action associated with it, they will slowly start to fade out until they disappear entirely. If moving them to that step was an accident, then just move them to the correct step before they disappear entirely.
Tip: At the top of each step, you'll see + Add people; if you tap this, you can search for a person, household, group, meeting, or event to add to that step of the process. And remember when searching you can find people not just by name but also by phone number, email, or barcode. You can use a barcode or RFID reader to search for the person by their barcode.
Detailed view
If you tap on the name on the top of a card, you will open the detailed popup view.
This view allows you to see the step the person has completed (green) and the step they are currently in (blue). You can click on any step in the process bar to move the person to that step.
You can also see the assigned person, the due date, and if the assigned person has started the task.
Each step may also be linked to one or more forms. In this example, a form called "Are they connecting" is linked.
You can also see the rest of the person's profile with notes displayed first. If you add a note, then the note will show at which step of the process that note was recorded so that the context of the note is known.
In this view, the step description is displayed under the person's photo. This is used to communicate to the assigned person, what they need to do as part of this task, and what they should talk to people about.
Process form
If you tap on a linked process form the form will pop over the process details. You can then complete the form and save it. If the form has automations then they will run when you save the form. In this example clicking save will move Sally to the Church Regulars column, and add her to a process called Connect Group Interest along with a process called Volunteer Interest.
If you are an admin, the history tab displays all the people that have viewed this process and all the changes made. For non-admins, the history tab show's all your updates to the process.