Each step of a process can have one or more associated actions. UCare uses Actions to automate the update of a person’s profile, send email messages, assign tasks, and more.
To add an action, follow these steps:
1. Open an existing step or add a new one (learn more about editing a process and creating a step).
2. In the lower section, you will have the option to Add an Action.
3. Choose the action you want to add from the dropdown menu.
There are many actions to choose from in the Add an action dropdown menu.
Process Actions run every time a person is added to a step
These are the possible actions that you can add to a step:
Note: These are all the actions you can add to a step. You can add more than one action to a step, and it’s possible to have a step without any action.
1. Complete / Remove the person from this process - This action will mark the person as complete; the card will fade out and disappear after 15 seconds. If this is not the correct step, then within 15 seconds, drag the card to the correct step.
2. Add the person to a group - This action adds a person to a group. To choose the group people are added to, click the dropdown menu and Search for a group.
Example: When visitors complete a new person integration process, action can add them to the regular members’ group.
3. Remove the person from a group - This action removes a person from a group. To choose the group a person will be removed from, click on the dropdown menu and Search for a group.
Example 1: A person can be removed from a youth group after they turn 18 or finish a series of lessons.
Example 2: A person can be removed from a Recent Visitors group after becoming a regular attendee.
4. Remove the person from a “type” of group - This action removes a person from a “group type.” Group types are used to categorize your groups to make them easier to manage. Examples include Sunday attendance, kids, volunteers, etc. This action removes a person from all groups of the specified type.
Example: A child can be removed from all Kids’ groups when transitioning to Youth.
5. Change restrictions on the person - This action adds or removes a person from a restricted area.
Example: A person can be added to the North campus security area or removed from a Pastoral Notes security area.
6. Add the person to a meeting - This action adds a person to a meeting. To choose the meeting, click the dropdown menu and Search for a meeting.
Example: A person’s attendance is recorded after attending the first week of the DNA class.
7. Add the person to the latest meeting of - This action adds a person to the latest meeting of a group or event. To choose a group or event meeting, click the dropdown menu and Search for a group or event.
Example: A new family completes a registration form upon arrival, which adds the children to the process. This action then records their attendance at the latest Kids' meeting.
8. Add the person to a process - This action adds a person to another process. To choose the process, click the dropdown menu and Search for a process.
Example: A new person is interested in joining a connect group, so the follow-up person moves them to the Connect Interest step. This action then adds them to the Connect Interest process so the connect team can follow up with that person.
9. Add the person to an event - This action adds a person to an event (e.g., a class or service). You can choose from the Search for an event dropdown menu.
Once added, they will receive a confirmation email with the event booking details.
Example: A new person moves to the Welcome to church step; this action registers them for the next Welcome to a church event and sends them a confirmation email with the event details.
10. Add a “more detail” to the person’s profile - This action adds or removes more details to a person’s profile.
This action will need the following details:
- Detail Name: examples are Membership status, age group, allergies/ dietary needs, check-in info, demographic, grade, location, occupation, photo consent, preferred campus, and interests.
- Detail: These are church-defined categories. For membership status, example details are Member, Attendee, Visitor, Inactive, etc.
- Tags: tags can be added here
- Restrictions: restrictions can also be added if the detail is of a sensitive nature.
It’s a great way to segment people in a particular step.
Example: if the step represents a person who is now a church member, then use this action to add a More Detail field named Status(Detail name) with the detail “Member”. This can be used with a search group to find all people with the status Member.
11. Change a “date” on the person’s profile - This action adds or removes a date on a person’s profile.
This action will need these details:
- Date Name: examples are: date added, anniversary, baptism, birthday, deceased, WWCC approval, blue card, or course completion
- Detail: any church-defined category under date name (if applicable)
- Tags and Restrictions can also be added.
Example: A person going through a Training process moves to the Completed step, and the current date is recorded as the completion date.
12. Send the person an email - This action sends an automated email message.
You can customize the sender of the email, the subject, as well as the content.
Note: You can delay sending the message for hours or days.
Example: Add this action to send a welcome email to new people. You can choose to delay the email until Monday at 8:00 am.
You can further customize the email by using the Insert menu when writing the message to add a merge field like the person’s first name.
Delayed sending and customizing the email (e.g., with the person’s name) helps ensure that the message doesn’t seem automated and feels more personal.
13. Send the person an SMS - This action sends an SMS message to them if they have a valid mobile number. SMS needs to be configured, and a verification process will need to be followed through for this to work.
Like email, you can set the message to send later if needed and insert a merge field like the first name to personalize the message.
Example: Schedule an SMS to be sent to new people on a Friday after they first attended church. As the message is sent from a person’s mobile number, it asks what coffee they like to initiate a connection with a host team member.
14. Create a task for another person - This action assigns a task related to this person to another person (e.g., a team member).
When the task is created, an email is sent to the assigned person to notify them that something needs to be done (with the provided task description). Due dates and restrictions can also be specified.
Example: A person completes Kids’ team training and needs a Kids’ team shirt; this task is sent to the responsible person so that they can organize the shirt.
15. Change the household country - This action changes the person’s household country
Note: if you have campuses in multiple countries, use this action to set a person’s country. This will ensure their phone numbers are correctly formatted, which is important when using SMS actions.
16. Add the person to Planning Center - This action adds the person to your planning center account so you can start scheduling them.
Note: To use this feature, follow these steps to sync UCare with your Planning Center account.
17. Archive this person - This action archives the person’s profile so that you aren’t being charged for them.
Example: A visitor doesn’t connect, and after several attempts to reach them, the assigned person moves them to the No response step, which archives their profile, so they aren’t charged for. Archiving means their details are retained if they return in the future.
18. Delete this person - This action deletes the person’s profile
Example: A family goes through an Exit interview after they stop attending; this action deletes their profiles, so they aren’t accidentally contacted. If they return in the future, their profiles can be undeleted.
19. Change a person’s access - This action lets you set permissions up for a person. You can either add, remove, or change user permissions here.
These are the options that you will see:
Example 1: A person joins the Follow-Up team and goes through training; this action grants them access to see the list of people they need to follow up. This action sends a Welcome email with a link that allows them to sign in and set a secure password.
See: Access, permissions and security areas
Example 2: A staff member resigns and completes the Exit process; this action ensures their UCare access is removed.