Orders can be found on the store's orders tab, where you can search for them by order number or the name of the person who made the order. The order page shows when the order was made, the payment type and products purchased.
The number next to the order name (in this case the number 3 next to Jane Smith) is the order number that was provided to the person when they ordered, you can use it to quickly look up their order.
If products need shipping then you will find shipping details on the person's profile, in this example you could tap "Jane Smith" to view her address.
Refund payment
If the order payment was made by credit card and Stripe was the payment service used then you can also refund the payment back to the credit card. For all other payment types and payment services you can do a cash refund.
The top right of the order page has a number of commands.
If you have permission to send SMS messages then you'll first see the SMS button. Clicking this button will display the SMS dialog.
If you have email permission you'll next see the Email button. Clicking this will take you to the new email page with this order set as the message recipient.
If the person who ordered didn't receive their order confirmation email along with invoice and any downloads then tap the ... options button and then "Resend confirmation email".
The standard Edit, Delete and Add task commands are also found under the ... button.
If you are an admin, the history tab displays all the people that have viewed this order and all the changes made. For non-admins, the history tab show's all your updates to the order.