You can add any of the UCare Javascript embed code to your Squarespace website, but it requires a little bit of customization to get it to work with the Squarespace system. The benefit of using the Javascript UCare code is that the embed will resize to fit it's content, making it seamlessly fit into your web page, i.e., no scrollbars or borders.
Before you head to your Squarespace site, go to the desired Share options in UCare, and copy the Javascript web embed code.
Inject the Script into the website footer
In Squarespace, go to Settings > Advanced > Code Injection, and paste the script tags that you copied from UCare in the Footer field.
Next, replace this line of code.
(function() {
With this line of code, this ensures that the embed code is run each time a new page loads.
window.Squarespace.onInitialize(Y, function(){
Then replace this line of code.
With this line of code
Add the content to your Squarespace pages.
Go to the page you want to add the embed to and Edit the page. Next, click the + in the top right and select the Code option.
In the code textbox, paste the entire <div tag that you copied from UCare and click Apply. For example.
You can now save your Squarespace page; your embed code will load the next time you preview your website.
Embedding multiple scripts
If you want to add multiple embeds to your Squarespace site, then don't add multiple script tags to the Footer. For example, this code:
<script src=""></script>
Instead add just the UCareEmbed code after the last, for example:
UCareEmbed("ucare-embed-610897", "", "/events/published", "");
UCareEmbed("ucare-embed-727458", "", "/groups/published", "");