If you have been using Check-in for your ministries, you would have noticed the new Check-in sections. With the arrival of the redesigned and streamlined check-in options, the Legacy Check-in has been removed.
Learn how to use the redesigned Check-in in the Using Check-in article.
For those familiar with the Legacy Check-in, we are happy to report that the new Check-in has all the same great features and some new bonus features, so you can effortlessly move your ministries over!
Three check-in options
The redesigned Check-in provides three options for checking in.
Attendance Roll is new and designed for kids’ rooms or Youth ministries. It presents a list of people to mark off upon arrival and then a second tab to mark off people as they depart.
Assisted Check-in
We have received feedback that the layout is much more user-friendly for staff, volunteers, and families.
All a family’s essential information is available in one place, and you can manage or edit any extra details you need from within one page as before.
Searching for families
Quickly find families by entering a partial first or last name, a complete phone number, or scanning an RFID key tag. Providing extra security, you can now press enter or tap Search to bring up all family members.
Fullscreen mode
Protect private data with the "Fullscreen" button in the top right. Now you can step away from a check-in station for a moment and know that people can't access private data without entering the set PIN code.
Checking out
When Checking out, you only see a list of checked-in family members; for larger families, this avoids the need to scroll to see the "Check out" button.
Customizing forms
Custom forms work seamlessly in the redesigned check-in, allowing you to replace the new household and new person forms with your custom forms, ensuring all the information you need is collected every time.