To browse households tap Households in the left hand nav bar
This will display all households, grouped by the first letter of the household name. If you pick another letter from the drop down it will update the list of households, the drop down shows how many households there are whose name starts with that letter.
Tip: You may also filter by group, and there is an "All" option at the end of the rolodex so you can see every household that matches the selected filter.
Tip: If you open each household in a new tab then you will be able to keep your place in the list as you browse through households. You can open households in a new tab by holding down Ctrl (Windows) or Cmd (Mac) before clicking on the household.
If you check the boxes to the left of household names you'll get the following bulk action options when you click the Actions menu:
Change restrictions...: Add or remove security area restrictions for the selected households.
Delete selected households: Delete all the selected households.
The top right of the page has a button to the Merging duplicates page, that will step you through all possible duplicates where you can merge duplicate households.