In the left hand navigation bar tap Import then on the import page tap People.
This will let you import a list of people from a CSV spreadsheet so that you can quickly get started with UCare.
Note: If you have an Excel spreadsheet of contacts that you want to import then make sure you first change the format to CSV by tapping File > Save as... > CSV (Comma delimited).
Select a file or drag and drop it on the upload icon to start the process.
Now you need to select where you want everything imported to, match up each field names with your imported data. Use Previous | Next to review a few imported people to ensure it all lines up.
If you have data that you can't find that you can't find in the drop down select More info or Date if it's a date. UCare will then use the header name to create that new type, you can also calls these custom fields.
It is recommended that the first row contain a header for each column, if this is the case then make sure Ignore the first row is selected.
Note: You need to select at least the Household's Name and the Person's First Name.
Tip: While UCare will try and merge households and people while importing, after importing completes it is a good idea to merge to ensure you don't have any duplicates. First tap Households > Merge households to deduplicate households, next tap People > Merge people to deduplicate people.