At the top of the screen tap + New and then tap Person in the menu. If the New Person form displays then click on the "New household" link.
A household is just like a real life household, and adding info about a household will help you gain a better understanding of people's family units. A household can contain a single person, a group of young singles, newlyweds, or mom; dad and three kids, in fact however their family is structured you can add them to the right household.
Tip: If the last item you viewed was another household then you will need to tap New household.
Tip: If you don't want a household's address or phone number to be display in printer or online directories then enable the corresponding Hide toggle.
Tip: The suburb, state, postcode and country information auto-completes as you type the suburb name, this info is based on other households. If the option you need isn't in the auto-complete list then it will be added after you save the household.
Import and duplicates
If the details of the household you have entered is a possible duplicate of existing household then you will see a list those possible duplicates on right, this will include deleted households which makes it easy to undelete households and get back all the people you had prior to deletion of the household.
Also on the right there is a link to the Import people page that will allow you to import multiple people from a spreadsheet. This will create households for the people in the import list.