At the top right of the screen, tap on your name and tap Settings in the menu, then on the settings page tap Payments.
Security area settings allow you to add or change security areas. Security areas are a flexible way to restrict access to information saved on UCare. By default, there are two security areas available, Default, and Protected. You can rename these if needed or create new security areas.
While you can't delete security areas, you can merge two security areas. To merge a security area, tap the ... option button to the left and select merge. Then select the target security area to merge to and click merge.
Some example security areas that you may want to create are an Executive area so that senior leadership can keep private information on UCare, or for multi-site churches, you could create a security area for each of your church campuses.
Tip: If a person isn't a super admin and hasn't been given access to a security area, they won't even know it exists. You can change which security areas they have permission to under the access section of their profile.