At the top right of the screen, tap on your name and Settings in the menu, then on the settings page, tap Check-in.
Check-in Settings is where you can change the labels used by DYMO printers in Check-in. To do this, download the label you want to change and then, using the DYMO LabelWriter software, make the desired changes. Upload the label once the changes are complete.
You can also enable other More Detail types so that custom nametags can include that info when printed.
Customizing label fields
Download the labels and open them in the DYMO Connect software; you can start to customize them by adding, removing, or moving items. In the DYMO Connect software, import DYMO Fields.csv, select an item, tap on the purple import icon, and select the UCare field. When labels print, each item will have its content replaced with info from the corresponding UCare profile field.
Note: You can add images to labels, which will cause labels to print much slower.
Fields available for the name tag:
- ShortCode - A random short code generally printed on the right of the ticket can be used for on-screen parent notification or to quickly look up the household at check out.
- LastName - The last name of the person checking in
- FirstName - The first name of the person checking in
- MeetingName - The name of the meeting that the person is checking into
- MeetingTime - The time of the meeting that the person is checking into
- MoreInfo - Any notes entered, check-in, and any info recorded under More Info > “Check in info” on the person’s profile.
- Barcode - The barcode listed on the person’s profile can be used to look up the person quickly; this is not on the default labels.
- CibName - The name of the person that checked in the household (e.g., the children’s mother).
- CibNumber - The number of the person that checked in the household so that you can quickly contact them if needed. UCare will print the emergency or mobile from the child’s profile if the person doesn’t have a number.
- MoreDetails.{Field Name} - A more detail from the person’s profile, this field needs to be enabled in the check-in label options. In the above picture, “Allergies” is enabled, so the name to enter in DYMO would be MoreDetails.Allergies. This will print any allergy info from the person on the nametag.
Fields available for the security ticket:
- ShortCode - A random short code generally printed on the right of the ticket can be used to quickly look up the household at check out and verify that the security ticket matches the checked-in child. If the codes don’t match, the person doesn’t have permission to check out the children.
- LastName (DYMO Printers Only) - The Household name.
- MeetingName (DYMO Printers Only) - A list of the meetings that household members checked into.
- Barcode - Use the barcode to look up the household at checkout quickly.