Here's how to change or stop any future donations that you have set up.
When you make a donation and for any recurring donations you are sent a confirmation email. If you tap the link at the bottom of the confirmation email, you will be taken directly to your profile, as shown in the following picture. If the link in the email has expired or if you navigated from your church's website then you will need to sign-in to view your profile along with past and future payment details.
Once signed in, tap on a future payment to view the detail. You can then change the amount or change the schedule.
If you need to skip a period of time, then set the next payment date to a date in the future and tap Save.
Tap "Stop Payment" at the bottom of the form to stop any future donations.
Sign in
To avoid forgotten passwords UCare doesn't use them, instead, an expiring code is emailed.
To sign-in, enter the email address you previously used when donating.
A code will then be sent. Enter that code and click sign in.
Check your junk email if you don't receive the code, otherwise use the "Resend code" option.