You can either share an individual event or a list of published events.
To share an individual event, at the top right of the event page tap the Share event booking form button.
Events can be added on your website, church app, or sent in an email or SMS.
Note: If events are collecting credit card payments it is recommended that the page that events are added to use HTTPS. While UCare always uses HTTPS it will give the user more confidence to see that the page that they are entering their credit card onto is secure.
Tip: If you want people to be able to book event tickets from your website then you need to add visible ticket types to that event.
Email and Facebook
The Email and Facebook link allows you to quickly share a link to the event, this can also be sent via SMS.
Web & App
The web code can be added to your website to integrate the event with your website's design. This way the response will be saved in UCare without taking people away from your website.
The JavaScript version is a little more sophisticated as it will automatically adjust the height of the event as needed. The Iframe version on the other hand may display scroll bars if the event is taller than the Iframe. We recommend the Javascript code but some website creation tools will not allow you to use JavaScript, if this is the case then use the Iframe version.
Note: Depending on the service you use to build your church app you are likely to need to use the Email link or JavaScript code options to embed an event in your church app.
While the design of events is consistent with the rest of UCare; this may not fit with the colors and fonts used on your website. If so a custom CSS file can be specified to alter the design of the registration form, you will need the help of someone with CSS skills to create a customized design.
Tip: You can upload the CSS file to a service like Dropbox, we do not hotlink the CSS file but download a copy every five minutes. This makes it easy for you to edit the CSS design and the changes will be reflected in the registration form within five minutes.
Registration example
Here is an example event booking form that has been added to a website. In this example, the Children ticket type has had some extra fields added, name, and birthday.
Note: Only one name field will be recorded for each ticket and will create a new person on UCare if they don't already exist. If a name field is not added to the ticket type then the extra fields will be saved on the profile of the person making the booking.
The "payment details/your details" section is for the person making the booking, if their name and contact details match a person that you have on UCare then when they submit the form it will be added to their profile. If, on the other hand, the details don't match then a new person will be added along with their event booking.
Tip: If the person making the booking has entered there details for one of the tickets, then in the details section when they select their name from the drop down it will populate the detail fields.
To share a list of published events, at the top right of the events page tap the Share published events list button.
Display types
Display types let you select one or more types of events to include in the list.
Tip: Use the display type to get a list of events related to each campus. If you have multiple campuses you may have a different section on your website for each campus. If this is the case then you should use your campus names to group events for each campus. This makes it easy to embed the list of campus events on each campus section of your website.
Email and Facebook
The Email and Facebook link allows you to quickly share a link to the published events list, this can also be sent via SMS.
Web & App
The web code can be added to your website to integrate the published events list with your website's design. This way the response will be saved in UCare without taking people away from your website.
The JavaScript version is a little more sophisticated as it will automatically adjust the height of the events list as needed. The Iframe version on the other hand may display scroll bars if the event list is taller than the Iframe. We recommend the Javascript code but some website creation tools will not allow you to use JavaScript, if this is the case then use the Iframe version.
Note: Depending on the service you use to build your church app you are likely to need to use the Email link or JavaScript code options to embed an events list in your church app.
While the design of the published events list is consistent with the rest of UCare; this may not fit with the colors and fonts used on your website. If so a custom CSS file can be specified to alter the design of the published events list, you will need the help of someone with CSS skills to create a customized design.
Tip: You can upload the CSS file to a service like Dropbox, we do not hotlink the CSS file but download a copy every five minutes. This makes it easy for you to edit the CSS design and the changes will be reflected on the published events list within five minutes.
Published events list example
Here is an example published events list that has been added to a website. The Display types option was left blank so that all event types would display.